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Tuesday, 25 October 2016

How to be a real friend

“Loyalty means I am down with you whether you are wrong or right, But I will tell you when you are wrong and help you get out it”

There is no way you can define friendship as such… but then there are ways in which you can develop and maintain and act upon being a good and real and true friend.

The first step towards being a real friend is knowing their least commendable qualities and still love, respect and support them for what they are.

Secondly always remember not to be fair-weather friend.  Set your boundaries, and your limits, yet being there only when it suits you, is being selfish. Communicate openly and honestly. Respect their space as much as you want yours.

When you help them for something, or do something for them, do it without expecting anything in return, basically with no strings attached.

As for me, if you mean something to me, I will do my best and give it my 100 percent to keep you in my life, no matter what, regardless of whether its in my best interest or not. Losing friends is always hard for me and the worst is when I am clueless what caused the drift between us or why we no longer talk.

A secret recipe would be a mix of loyalty, understanding, encouragement and trust…. There you go, Juice of Friendship is ready!! Respect and Love and Companionship will follow on it’s on.

Two things you never have to chase in life… “Good Friends and True Love”


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